
With time permitting, Barry conducts readings through out the year, both individual and group. Barry has clients from all over the globe. Europe, USA, The Middle East, New Zealand, Australia and all walks of life.
Psychic readings are all about you. Past, present and future are the focus of a Psychic reading. In the reading you have the opportunity to ask questions. All readings are confidential and rest assured you will feel at ease with Barry. Psychic readings are not designed to tell you how to live your life but give you the tools to make choices based on the information given in the reading.
Mediumship readings are connecting with loved ones in the Spirit world.
during the reading you may receive evidence of your loved one , letting you know they are safe and well. Mediumship readings are not about telling you what to do as our loved ones in Spirit are not about taking over our lives but purely to let us know they are in fact alive and well and survived the process called death.
Individual Readings
Group Readings
Face to face readings are conducted in a private and safe environment on the Gold Coast. With confidentiality assured, readings can be Psychic or Mediumship or both. Readings can be half or a full hour .
Barry reads for clients all over the globe. For those who are interstate or overseas and wanting a reading, Barry conducts readings via phone, Skype or Zoom
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Psychic Parties/Group Readings
In the early stage of Barry's development, he was taught to conduct readings for people using various tools of the trade. Flower readings, photo readings, personal objects(Psychometry), ribbons to name but a few.
These Psychic parties are very popular with friends & family groups. Whether it s birthday, a night in, a night out, an excuse to get friends and family together, why not hold a Psychic party in the comfort of your own home.
Minimum numbers apply, if outside of the Gold Coast travel costs may be additional.
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Barry offers group readings in the comfort your own home or a designated venue . Group readings are limited to a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 people . This ensures everyone will receive a message from their loved ones, family or friends in the spirit world providing the spirit world makes themselves known during the session. Also these group readings can be Psychic which is all about you and your life. You will also will hear other people's messages
Please us the contact form for more info
Private Events
Barry also offers a more intimate event. This is more like a private Mediumship show in the comfort of your own home or venue of your choosing. Instead of having to travel to a destination to see a show, Barry will come to you. This has become very popular over time with friends & family coming together to reconnect with loved ones in the spirit world.
Minimum numbers apply but no maximum . Just like attending a stage show, there are no guarantees who will receive a message and who from but these events are always emotional, fun and very positive. These events generally run for approximately 2 hours.
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